Returns Policy

Returns process:

Do you want to return your order? Then go to our return page for detailed instructions.

Return term:

You have 14 days to return your order after receipt. This policy allows you to return your purchase for any reason. Once we have received your return, the full purchase amount will be refunded within 10 days.

Postage costs:

Returns and associated shipping costs are at your own expense.

Partial Return:

You have the option to return part of your order. Please note: if you return a product from a discounted bundle, the bundle discount will expire. Shipping costs will be refunded on a pro-rata basis.


- Product A: €10, Product B: €10, Product C: €10.

- You purchased a bundle of A, B, and C for €25 + €3 shipping costs

- You return Product B.

- The discount for the bundle expires, the other products A and C are worth €20.

- Refund: €25 (original price) - €20 (value of products retained) = €5.

- Shipping costs were €3 for 3 products, you return 1 product (B), so you receive €1 back.

- Total refund: €5 (products) + €1 (shipping) = €6.